• Please fill in all required fields in this page before proceeding to other pages
  • All required sections of the application have to be fully completed before submission
  • Please fill in your Last Name and Given Name (Middle Name, if applicable) according to your Passport or Identification Card
  • You must fill in your complete postal address within the 3 address lines provided
  • You need to create a password that allows you to update your personal information or edit your information regarding the job that you have chosen
  • You need to remember your password which is necessary to access your account
* All Personal Data collected will be kept confidential and strictly for recruitment application and for further recruitment use if applicable

Click here to login if you have already applied before

* Required Field

* E-mail
* New Password
* Confirm New Password

* Last Name (Chinese)
(Please enter "None" if not applicable)
* Given Name (Chinese)
(Please enter "None" if not applicable)

* Last Name (English)
* Given Name (English)
  Common Name (English)
* Address Line 1
  Address Line 2
* Address Line 3
* Country
* Area Code
* Home Phone
*   Mobile Phone
(Please enter "None" if not applicable)
  Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
*   Gender
*   Nationality
  Current Salary (monthly)
*   Expected Salary (monthly)
* Preferred Department
* Preferred Position Level
* Preferred Language for Contact

* Are you a local resident?
Macao ID Number For example: 5123123(2) -> 51231232
Passport/Other ID/Hong Kong ID
Place of Issue
* Willing to work on shift

Contact Method(s)
  Home Phone
  Mobile Phone